Hillary’s Presidential Prophecy

A prophecy that Perry Stone tells us that William Branham predicted and made some years ago concerning a powerful woman becoming prominent, and then America becoming destroyed thereafter. Also he points out the spirit of Ahab and Jezebel being in Bill and Hillary Clinton. I leave to you to judge it. With any prophetic word, we must judge it for ourselves. Some things to consider are the following ones. What was the record of the person speaking? How does it fit, mesh or agree with the Holy Spirit within you? Is it based on the word of God? God showed that Obama would be elected in 2008. However, I don’t who will become the next president, but I do know that America is not found in her present status in the book of Revelations, as no doubt will be greatly diminished by her politicians, spending habits and many other detracting factors in the near future. As Rome was, so is America today. Yet all kingdoms will fall one day. Then Jesus will reign as Lord of lords, and King of kings. Even as Daniel prophesied of the Great Mountain filling all of the earth after obliterating the great statue which represented the kingdoms of mankind. God is in control no matter what. He knows the future. God bless you all in the name of Jesus, and pray for God’s guidance in all things concerning yourself, your family and every Christian across the world and the world itself, and lastly the USA.

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