‘THE WORLD AS IT IS: How to Get Power’ THIS MUST-SEE EPIC, from 1967, makes you part of a brilliant conversation between the organizational genius, ‘Godfather of Community Organizers’, and author of ‘Rules for Radicals’ Saul Alinsky, with some extremely intelligent, yet idealistic, young Native-American organizers. It is powerful, compelling, and inspiring. Behold the persuasive power of Saul Alinsky! But to those whose only comfort, understandably, is to live in the world of dreams and pure idealism…BE WARNED, viewing this may make you more responsible and effective! As opposed to an interview, this shows Alinsky in his element talking naturally; as he discusses ‘The world as it is’, and the need to organize in it, as he says, “ the rest of the people in the world will only let you have as much of your own values as your strong enough to keep.” He also, more or less, predicts the failure of the hippie-movement to achieve anything, because they lacked actual goals, didn’t like or approve of ‘the world as it is’, and therefore dropped out of the world, leaving the others to organize it according to their own values. And when confronted by a ‘hippie-sympathizer’ who says, “You seem like you have no love…” Alinsky gives an epic reply “I have a helluva lot more love than you have, because I’m willing to go out and get corrupted for it…I’m willing to fight for it…I’m willing to stick my life on the line on it…and your just willing to stick around and talk about love and hippies, and not do a goddamn thing!” Saul Alinsky and his legendary book, ‘Rules for Radicals,’ have become an obsession amongst many ‘right-wing loudspeakers’ (i.e. Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Newt Gingrich), as it is a ‘conservative chic’ talking-point to link Alinsky and ‘Rules for Radicals’ as the ‘founding philosophical influence’ to another fellow Chicagoan community organizer, President Barack Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton, who interviewed and wrote her thesis on him, (There is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model). The ‘radio-bishops of 21st century conservative-political- religion’ characterize Alinsky as a “dangerous, outsider, troublemaker, Karl Marxist, anarchist, socialist, communist, big city, college, liberal Jew-boy”, with those on the far-right fringes, literally labeling him as ‘satanic’; following their characterization meant to arise suspicion with, “this is who Obama and Hillary looked up to in college.” These ‘fearful accusatory associations’ are clearly due to their recognition and cognizance of Alinsky’s logic and reasoning, as the establishment would fear five Saul Alinsky-types, more than an entire Occupy Movement. Unfortunately, Obama and Hillary are both establishment players, and do not resemble Alinsky in either action, integrity, or politically at all. Much in the same ways that conservatives are influenced by Thomas Jefferson, but reflect nothing of his likeness or politics; as Newt Gingrich can lecture about the brilliance of Jefferson, and Jefferson may inspire him, but Newt Gingrich is no Thomas Jefferson. Conservatives and Libertarians like Jefferson, and Liberals and Progressives like Alinsky. This video demonstrates how and why action, usually outweighs ideals in its effects on the world significantly. But remember, you’re not dumb or lazy for not marching in the street, or holding up some dumb sign, while chanting juvenile slogans. You intrinsically recognize the meaningless of those actions without a plan that has goals, or clear objectives. The lack of these superficial actions does not mean you don’t care. In fact, you probably care so much that you feel paralyzed because you are so preoccupied by it. WATCH THIS…IT WILL HELP YOU