AZ Sheriff: Terrorists Will Use Southern Border To Gain Entry Into U.S.

Video Transcript:

One week after the Orlando terrorist attack, Sheriff Paul Babeu warned that a bigger threat exists at the country’s vulnerable Souther Border.

BABEU: I just want Barack Obama to do his job – to secure the border, to protect America… This is about terrorism. This unsecured border is the likely avenue of approach for terrorists to sneak into America and it’s got to be secured.

The sheriff said these are troubling times because the Obama Administration is welcoming illegals with open arms.

BABEU: They’re getting telegraphed this message by President Obama and the administration, “Make it to the border, you’re home free.” And [the illegals] are very concerned, very fearful this is all going to change with a new administration and pray God it does because we’ve seen in eight months, this is 45,000 [illegals.] And this is troubling because just in these eight months, we’ve seen more than all of last year.

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