Jack Hakimian's Political Convictions
Jack Hakimian is a nonpartisan, independent Christian leader without allegiance to political parties.
His allegiance is to God and the universal principles of freedom, justice, and love.
He advocates for individual politicians and mainly policies that align with his spiritual and social beliefs on a local and national level.
He aims to praise or critique any idea or policy that aligns with our U.S. Constitutional limits and freedoms and the social ethics of Jesus Christ.
He believes a Judeo-Christian worldview and virtue lead to a more prosperous society.
He believes that an uncritical allegiance to denominations, political parties, or cultural groups is preferable to an allegiance to God, and the use of Scripture, Reason, Science, and Natural Law Philosophy clouds Christians’ judgments concerning the “Whole Counsel of God” and its application to social life.
All the disciplines mentioned (e.g., Philosophy, Science, etc.) are complementary and should not be discarded in our observation of the world and our understanding of discerning the good.
The highest source of truth to gauge political/moral issues is God’s revelation, as demonstrated through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit, writings of the prophets and apostles in the Old and New Testament, and the ultimate revelation through the”Logos” (Word that took on flesh in the incarnation) Jesus Christ.