
Pastor Jack Hakimian demands apology from Miami-Dade Schools superintendent

Pastor Jack Hakimian demands apology from Miami-Dade Schools superintendent

At a news conference in Miami, Pastor Jack Hakimian demands an apology from Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho after Carvalho threatened to keep the pastor from conducting Sunday school classes at North Miami Senior High.

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North Miami pastor chides council members over strip-club decision

North Miami pastor chides council members over strip-club decision

North Miami Pastor Jack Hakimian had strong words for elected city officials at a meeting last week. Hakimian, upset that council members gave their approval for a strip club to open in the city, cautioned them that their decision will have lifelong consequences.

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Pastor says police should apologise after using mugshots of black men for target practice

Pastor says police should apologise after using mugshots of black men for target practice

A North Miami pastor is calling for an apology from the police department after it was discovered that mugshots of black men were being used for officers' target practice.

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Fla. Pastor at GLBT Forum: 'Love Doesn't Mean We Don't Disagree'

Fla. Pastor at GLBT Forum: 'Love Doesn't Mean We Don't Disagree'

After a disagreement between a Florida school superintendent and Pastor Jack Hakimian over his homosexuality-centered sermons, Hakimian agreed to attend an GLBT forum Wednesday evening, an experience he says that allowed him to address labels like "anti-gay."

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Former CBS Reporter Aleen Sirgany Publicly Comes Out While Confronting Anti-Gay Pastor Jack Hakimian

Former CBS Reporter Aleen Sirgany Publicly Comes Out While Confronting Anti-Gay Pastor Jack Hakimian

Jack Hakimian, a controversial North Miami pastor who preaches that homosexuality is akin to witchcraft and drug abuse, faced a group of LGBT activists last night at Temple Beth Moshe after his statements caused a string of public controversies this summer. During the town hall Aleen Sirgany, a former national...

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Miami Pastor May Lose Church Lease Over Sound Sermon

Miami Pastor May Lose Church Lease Over Sound Sermon

A Miami pastor is preaching what the Bible says: homosexuality is a sin. Now, the Miami-Dade County School Superintendent is “reviewing” its lease to the church.

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Pastor seeks public apology after mug shots used for target practice

Pastor seeks public apology after mug shots used for target practice

A pastor says a South Florida community is owed an apology after the North Miami Beach Police Department said it would no longer use mug shots of black men for sniping training.

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Redeeming Blood, Not Gang Blood

Redeeming Blood, Not Gang Blood Violence was a way of life for Jack Hakimian. He grew up in the tough neighborhoods of Los Angeles where his role models were gang members.

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Tears, anger fill Temple Beth Moshe in North Miami as conservative pastor meets LGBT activists

Tears, anger fill Temple Beth Moshe in North Miami as conservative pastor meets LGBT activists

Jamesly Louis, a 21-year-old gay Haitian-American man, broke down in tears during a town hall meeting with LGBT activists and religious leaders from South Florida.

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The Day It Snowed In Miami (2014)

The Day It Snowed In Miami (2014)

Jack Hakimian, along with other South Florida Civic leaders, was interviewed about the rights of the LGBT community.

The documentary, which won an Emmy, traces the political activism behind an equal-rights statute in Miami and how it galvanized the gay rights movement in Florida and beyond. Co-presented by Miami Herald Media Company and WPBT-Channel 2.

Liberty Counsel Successfully Defends Pastor's First Amendment Rights

Liberty Counsel Successfully Defends Pastor's First Amendment Rights

Miami-Dade County School Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho has backed down from his threat to revoke the lease from Impact Miami Church and Pastor Jack Hakimian. The Superintendent threatened to review the lease following a sermon by Pastor Hakimian, in which he spoke about the intolerance of those who espouse the homosexual agenda.

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Pastors Speak Out About Holding Controversial National Prayer Day Event at North Miami City Hall

Pastors Speak Out About Holding Controversial National Prayer Day Event at North Miami City Hall

While some are opposed to controversial anti-gay pastor Jack Hakimian participating at a National Prayer Day event paid for by North Miami Beach City Hall, he says he is the one being discriminated against for voicing his opinion. NBC 6’s Claudia DoCampo reports.

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North Miami Pastor Jack Hakimian Thinks a

North Miami Pastor Jack Hakimian Thinks a "Gay Mafia" Is Out to Get Him

The gay mafia is after Jack Hakimian. And the head of North Miami's Impact Miami church has found the batshit craziest way to let the world know about it.

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North Miami Taxpayers Shouldn't Pay for Expenses of Pastor Speaking on National Day of Prayer, Councilman Says

North Miami Taxpayers Shouldn't Pay for Expenses of Pastor Speaking on National Day of Prayer, Councilman Says

The North Miami City Council voted 4-1 to pick up Pastor Jack Hakimian's expenses for his May 2 appearance, with Councilman Scott Galvin casting the dissenting vote

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Pastor found God while serving time

Pastor found God while serving time

While being confined in a Los Angeles County jail cell, more than 20 years ago, amongst other prisoners who plotted on stripping their neighbors of belongings, money or dignity, Jack Hakimian looked up to the celling and cried out to God.

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Jack Hakimian's Miracle Story

Jack Hakimian's Miracle Story Violence was a way of life for Jack Hakimian. He grew up in the tough neighborhoods of Los Angeles where his role models were gang members.

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North Miami Pastor Jack Hakimian Says He's Not Anti-Gay

North Miami Pastor Jack Hakimian Says He's Not Anti-Gay

The half-Armenian-Lebanese, half-West African was born in Liberia and fled with his family to the U.S. in 1979, avoiding a civil war. He spent a majority of his teenage years incarcerated, calling himself a "troubled" teenager. In 1992, the 19-year-old Jack Hakimian accepted Jesus Christ as his savior while sitting in a dark cell in the L.A. Penitentiary.

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